






TT領(lǐng)航者機(jī)箱是一款高端機(jī)箱,頂部設(shè)計(jì)獨(dú)特,吸引玩家眼球。頂部為扁平設(shè)計(jì),上方有散熱孔,下方有一個(gè)TT LOGO。






在今年2月舉辦的MWC2022世界移動(dòng)通信大會(huì)上,三星推出了Galaxy Book2 Pro與Galaxy Book2 Pro 360筆記本電腦,均配備AMOLED顯示屏與英特爾處理器,Galaxy Book2 Pro 360名稱中的“360”代表這是一臺(tái)翻轉(zhuǎn)筆記本,可切換為平板模式,三星近日宣布推出Galaxy Book2 Pro 360 ARM版本,搭載高通驍龍8cx Gen 3處理器。


驍龍8cx Gen 3是高通于2021年12月推出的針對(duì)PC平臺(tái)的SOC芯片。該處理器采用三星5nm制程工藝,擁有四個(gè)Cortex-X1超大核,頻率為3.0GHz,四個(gè)Cortex-X1大核,頻率為2.4GHz,二級(jí)緩存6MB,**緩存8MB,支持LPDDR4X-4266內(nèi)存,兼容X65、X62、X55基帶。8cx Gen 3還搭載了Spectra ISP圖像處理單元,可為視頻會(huì)議等場(chǎng)景提供更好自動(dòng)對(duì)焦及降嗓能力。相比上代驍龍7c Gen 2處理器,高通表示8cx Gen 3單核性能提升30%,多核性能提升60%,GPU性能提升70%。

Galaxy Book2 Pro 360 ARM版還采用了高通的FastConnect 6900移動(dòng)連接系統(tǒng),支持WiFi6E與藍(lán)牙5.2。該筆記本還可與其他三星設(shè)備,如手機(jī),平板、可穿戴式設(shè)備等進(jìn)行聯(lián)動(dòng),符合微軟企業(yè)安全解決方案的Secured-Cored PC標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

搭載驍龍8cx Gen 3的Galaxy Book2 Pro 360將于1月16日推出,配色為石墨灰,售價(jià)189……


Thermaltake is a popular brand that offers a wide range of computer products, including PSU, cooling systems, gaming accessories, and PC cases. In this article, we will be focusing exclusively on their range of computer cases, which are known for their high-quality construction and sleek design. Thermaltake cases are built to meet the demands of gamers, content creators, and other professionals who require a superior case that is both functional and durable.

Features of Thermaltake PC Cases

Thermaltake cases come with a range of features that make them stand out from the competition. One of the most notable features is their a**anced cooling systems, which are designed to keep your PC components cool, even during extended gaming or intensive workloads. Their cases also come with removable fan filters that make it easy to clean and maintain your system. In terms of design, Thermaltake cases are known for their stylish and customizable RGB lighting, which allows you to create a personalized and visually striking build. Another feature that sets Thermaltake cases apart is their support for liquid cooling systems, which is essential for enthusiasts who want to maximize the cooling potential of their machines.

The Best Thermaltake Cases

Thermaltake offers a wide range of cases designed for different needs and budgets. Here are some of the best Thermaltake cases that you can consider:

  • The Thermaltake Core P3 is a highly versatile case that can be mounted vertically or horizontally, and it comes with a tempered glass side panel that allows you to showcase your build.
  • The Thermaltake View 71 RGB is a full-tower case that comes with a range of RGB lighting options and can accommodate XL-ATX motherboards.
  • The Thermaltake Level 20 XT is a highly spacious case that can accommodate multiple GPUs and comes with 3 built-in RGB fans for effective cooling.

Overall, Thermaltake manages to provide a perfect balance of form and function when it comes to their PC cases. Whether you’re a gamer, a content creator or someone who requires a high-performance PC, Thermaltake cases provide the perfect solution for your needs.




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