


2014 was an exciting year for desktop computers in terms of graphics cards. With games becoming more demanding and requiring higher performance, manufacturers were under pressure to update their GPUs to cater to the needs of gamers and professionals alike.

Top 3 desktop graphics cards of 2014

In 2014, the three best desktop graphics cards were Nvidia’s GTX 970, GTX 980, and AMD’s R9 290X. Nvidia’s GTX 970 was considered the best mid-range graphics card, offering exceptional performance at a reasonable price. The GTX 980, on the other hand, was the high-end graphics card, providing an excellent combination of performance and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for gamers and professionals. AMD’s R9 290X was also a popular choice among gamers, with its high performance and impressive specifications.

Performance Overview

The performance of these graphics cards was measured by various benchmarks and tests, including frame rates and running high-end games such as Crysis 3 and Battlefield 4. The GTX 970 proved to be a powerful mid-range card, providing exceptional performance at 1080p resolution. The GTX 980 was also impressive when tested at 4K resolution, providing **ooth gameplay even with demanding games. AMD’s R9 290X delivered excellent performance with high frame rates during gaming, and it also came equipped with six gigabytes of video memory, which made it a great choice for graphic design and video editing. Overall, these cards delivered exceptional performance and made 2014 an exciting year for gamers and professionals in the computing industry.


In conclusion, the 2014 desktop graphics card market saw significant a**ancements, with notable offerings from Nvidia and AMD. Gamers and professionals alike were spoilt for choice with the GTX 970, GTX 980, and AMD’s R9 290X, which provided exceptional performance, efficiency, and memory capacity. As we move into the future, it will be interesting to see what new a**ancements in graphics card technology lie ahead and how they will impact the computing industry.


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